Tuesday, June 16, 2009

General Motors Commercial Spoof: infoMania

My dad told me if you start a business and it fails you let it go, fire everyone and start over. Do not repeat the same mistakes.

General Motors has reached a tentative agreement to sell Saab to the Swedish sports car manufacturer Koenigsegg. They are trying to rebuild, wait! did you see their New Tv spot, how the hell are they rebuilding by spending so much on an Ad, they will never learn. 

This is what David Griner had to say: 
Apparently, a slick video montage doesn't quite convince everyone that General Motors can claw its way out of the abyss and return to its former glory. Current TV's "InfoMania" show created this spoof (which has a bit of salty language up front) to highlight just how much random window dressing GM puts on an ad that's supposed to be frank and to the point. I'd love to see what clips got cut in editing. I think it could have ended a lot stronger with Mount Rushmore, sad clown, iron girder, Woody Guthrie, gold miner, tombstone, zombie hand.

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